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The season's change


April brought us to the end of the first Season of the Wonderfully Wired podcast and 7 months of content, to inform the way you parent and teach kids who think and learn differently.

The more work I do, questions I ask, and content I create, the more convinced I am that we need to do better by these kids - not because they deserve our sympathy but because they might just hold the key with which we can unlock a picture of education that serves all kids better!

There is no new episode of the Wonderfully Wired Podcast this month, as I record and line up several juicy episodes for Season two. This gives you a chance to catch up on some content you might have missed:

Start with Episode 3 with Debbie Reber. Debbie helps us get a better idea of why we should group wonderfully wired kids broader than the individual labels and where a considerate approach to parenting differently, can begin.

Catch the conversation with Mark Kluckow in Episode 1 to see how giftedness isn’t just a fast working smart brain but different wiring that can often be misdiagnosed and misunderstood!

If yours is a gifted and intense kid you also need to listen to Natasha Daniels talk in Episode 6 about anxiety and how it is often part of the challenge our kids face and how we might help them do so with gumption.

If your interest is specifically in dyslexia, then Episode 2 with Dean Bragonier and Episode 4 with Fernette Eide is your next two hours of being wonderfully informed!

If autism spectrum and/or dyslexia is part of your family story then listen to Thomas West in Episode 5, describe how a person can struggle with easy things yet see what others simply cannot.

And then if you have a child at conventional school you NEED to listen to my conversation with Heather Wells in Episode 7! Heather gives us so much practical advice to choose the battles worth fighting and the patience with which to do so.

Don’t laugh, but I recently listened to that one again myself.

You see, I’m spending two months close to my son’s boarding school to offer him the skills and learning support he needs to succeed there. My mission is to put to practical use what I'm learning about unlocking potential and overcoming challenges for one boy in particular. Research has never been more personal.

Something new is Springing up.



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