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The disintegrating student
Why do smart students struggle at school and what can parents do to help?
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Anxiety Sucks, a teen survival guide by Natasha Daniels
Natasha writes a short book directed at teenagers using a consistent metaphor to illustrate anxiety as separate from the person who feels anxious. She describes Anxiety as a dictator who is bent on controlling and sabotaging. If a teenager can identify his tactics, take stock of the weapons he or she has to fight the dictator and determine to wage war; he or she can defeat this enemy.
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Elle Leher
Seeing what others cannot see
Thomas West has written three books. As early as 1991, In the Mind's eye explored the cognitive advantages of the dyslexic mind - a good 20 years before the rest of the world imagined anything other than learning disability. His most most recent book, “Seeing what others cannot see, The Hidden Advantages of Visual Thinkers and Differently Wired Brains ", explores the stories and contributions of talented dyslexic and autistic visual thinkers in the history of medicine, math and sciences and discusses how such visual thinking is of increasing importance in the modern world.
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Differently Wired by Debbie Reber
'Each chapter in the book centers on one big tangible idea—or as Debbie calls them, “Tilts”—that will shift parents’ thinking and actions in a way that will change not only the family dynamic, but will allow for these unique children to fully realize their best selves. By making these shifts, parents everywhere will be rejecting what’s broken in the status quo. And that leads to moving the world closer to a place where difference is genuinely seen and valued.'
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Wonderfully Wired
The Dyslexic Advantage by Brock and Fernette Eide
The Dyslexic Advantage by Brock and Fernette Eide is essential reading for parents and teachers of children with dyslexia. This ReadbyElle book summary was made to capture the gist of a book that will help you see, support and celebrate the Wonderfully Wired in your life. A synopsis can never be as rich and comprehensive as the book.
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